When I'm done, not even the wiliest of babies will be able to get in here. - Elroy "Lucky" Kleinschmidt, King of the Hill


  • A New Beginning, Part Deux
    I spent a month building out the framework for my website. My plan was to simplify and downsize my footprint. That ended up not working out for me and I ended up adapting my design into a WordPress theme, which in and of itself is a slight pain. My plan was to shed the content… Read more: A New Beginning, Part Deux
  • A New Beginning
    Yet another redeployment of my website. My hosting account with InMotion expired last month and the pricing felt steep for what I needed, so I started searching for a new place to host. I looked at: Google Cloud Platform Bootstrap Studio Hostiing AWS Lambda and EC2 Services GCP felt powerful but like a lot of… Read more: A New Beginning
  • Jake quote
    Sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something.