A New Beginning, Part Deux

I spent a month building out the framework for my website. My plan was to simplify and downsize my footprint. That ended up not working out for me and I ended up adapting my design into a WordPress theme, which in and of itself is a slight pain. My plan was to shed the content management, but it ended up being too cumbersome to update. And then I tried forcing some of the static posts into Gutenberg-esque version. And then I tried to stuff the proverbial square peg into a round hole by posting as custom HTML blocks.

Why am I telling you this, you might be asking? I’m not. Just thinking out loud and collecting my thoughts. I spent most of the past year on a self-hosted solution in the cloud, but that ended up not working for me so I’ve moved back to a straight webhosting provider. I’m trying to get back into the groove before CON season begins again in the post-COVID world.

I have a lot of focus issues, so simplifying should help, hopefully. The hosting is a bit slow, but it was cheap and I’ve got the cache acceleration enabled now, so CloudFlare CDN, do your thing!

I’m getting back to my Emperor Zarkon Quintessence Suite from Voltron: Legendary Defender. I should be posting updates soon. **Should**