Princess Sorsha Armor

Build Materials

6mm EVA Foam
Black Leather
Leather Rivets
Barge TF Contact Cement
Googly Eyes
Wig and Overcoat
Wood Dowels

Build Process

For the Sorsha build, I built the helmet and Tom built the sword. Josh and Kim (our featured cosplayer) took on pretty much all of the armor and embellishments.

My lone contribution to main Sorsha body armor, other than materials

There weren’t many in-process shots of the armor. Just a few blurry candids. Here is a cropped image from the corset belt Josh worked on. Black leather, rivets, and I’m pretty sure there’s some contact cement in there as well.

Here’s a shot of Kim when we were heading down to the main floor.
Posing on the main floor at CVG2019
Shot from the photo booth at CVG2019